Annual Appeal

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SU4C 2020 Annual Appeal: The Unvitation

No need for a new dress. No need for a designated driver. No need to leave the house. No need for a mask. No need to check the calendar… because this is not an invitation to a party, but an invitation to give.

Sails Up 4 Cancer was unable to have fundraising events in 2020, thus losing a much – needed revenue stream, but the need to help cancer patients and their families in our community is more important than ever.

The donations from this appeal will go to our Spinnaker Fund to provide direct relief to those in the community undergoing cancer treatment that need financial support. So this year please send what you would have spent to attend an event to support SU4C.

Your generosity will have an immediate impact in the community. Thank you!

SU4C is a 501(c)3 non-profit: FEIN 27-5553950

[give_form id=”2460″ show_title=”false” show_goal=”false” show_content=”above” display_style=”onpage”]

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